Monday, February 2, 2009

25 Random Things About ME!

I posted this on my Facebook for all my friends to see. I thought maybe some strangers may want to see it as well! So here are 25 Random things about me!! Maybe you'll learn something about me you never knew! Now it;s your turn! Post!!

1. I love love love homeschooling my kids!! I wish everyone could experience the fulfillment that I have in doing this!
2. I think that ALL parents should take responsibility for their children's education . . . even if they don't homeschool!! (I know it's not for everyone) There really is no one to blame . . . and please don't use socialization as a reason NOT to homeschool . . . you have to take responsibility for that too!! You have to socialize your kids!! No one else is going to!!
3. I also think EVERYONE should take complete responsibility for their own health!! Trusting what the doctor tells ya . . . it can get you DEAD!!! Do your own research!!
4. I also think that all people . . . Christians in particular . . . should take responsibility for their own spiritual walk!! Ya can't blame the preacher for not preaching "what pertains to you!!" Go find out what THE WORD says . . . and do it!!
5. I think my husband is the smartest person I have ever met!! He can figure anything out!! He can do anything . . . someone PLEASE hire him already!!
6. I hate video games . . . but I let my kids play them for a limited time per day! I am such a push-over!!
7. I think home birth is THE MOST amazing thing!! I am sooo glad I have a CHOICE!! It may not be your first choice, but again . . . I take responsibility!!
8. Someday I might just take up the career of midwifery!! Maybe . . . who knows??
9. I hate it when my toe nails aren't painted!! I live in FL and where flip-flops year around!! What can I say!
10. I think large families are fascinating! That is why I want one!! (My definition of large is 4+ children) . . . I don't know if I will be done after four . . . MAYBE one more . . . we'll see!
11. I wish I would have been a better student in high school . . . I made up for it in college, but I missed out on some good stuff!! BUT thankfully my God is a God of second chances!! Now I am learning along side of my kiddos!! I love my life!!
12. I wish that my house was cleaner and more organized!! BUT I have given up the crazy-ness of that all to be at home with my kids!! The house and it's orderliness is way down on the list of priorities!! My kids are more toward the top!!
13. I have really enjoyed reading other peoples list of 25 Random Things!! Sometimes I just laugh out loud!!!
14. I secretly wish the animals that live in my house would mysteriously disappear!! The kids would be horrified (that is they they are still around) but . . . I am tired of cleaning up after animals . . . sorry to the animal lovers out there!! I am not one, but my daughter is . . . so we have a dog and a bunny!!
15. I think my college days were the most fun times of my life . . . I hope my kids get to have a similar experience!! Those we the good ol' days!!! Carefree . . . . it was great!
16. I love coffee!! I just wish it wasn't so bad for ya!! I don't have to have to caffeine. I just like the way it tastes!! So when it is cold outside, i make decaf and tell myself "at least it's decaf!!"
17. I make homemade antibiotics . . . sounds hippy, Right Robin?? See my blog for the recipe It kills everything . . . even strep!!
18. I wish I had the money and energy to have a farm and raise all my own dairy, meat, and veggies . . . but I don't so I will settle for the toxic waste that is sold in grocery stores around the country!! One of my fave lines from the movie "Over the Hedge" is "If it tastes this good, it MUST be good for you!!" Funny!! SOOOO not true!!
19. I wish we didn't own a TV!! It is waste of time . . . but I can't get anyone in the house to agree with me, so we settle for fasting from it from Memorial Day to Labor Day . . . thanks Thompsons!!
20. I have been to Africa several times. I lived there for a year . . . yes my hubby & 2 older kids were with me . . . no I didn't live in a mud hut!! LOL
21. I wish all people in America would take a trip to a Third World Country!! Pictures don't do it justice . . . you can't smell the smells or hear the cries!! That is when you can say life isn't fair!!!
22. I wish people would follow rules!! That is one of my pet peeves!!
23. I used to be an aggressive driver! Then I moved to Ghana, where driving is . . . very stressful . . . now, I am rarely in too much of a hurry to let someone go in front of me!!
24. I feel sorry for people that win the lottery and mess up their lives!!
25. I LOVE MY LIFE!!!! Jesus has blessed me with SOOOO much richness!! Words can't describe it all!! I thank GOD everyday for bringing me HERE!! ". . . for such a time as this!!"

1 comment:

Becky said...

Homemade antibiotics?!? How COOL is that?! #14 made me grin! : )


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