Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I Made the Announcement

We are very excited to be expecting again! Baby #4 is on the way and we couldn't be happier! I have had so many people ask me if I was pregnant and b/c of my circumstances, I didn't say "yes" or "no!" I simply said, "Ya never know, we are trying!!" All along I knew that I was pregnant! Oh well, you understand!

I am 12 weeks along and I have known of my pregnancy since mid-July (before VBS for those of you that were there!!). Since I had a miscarriage in May we decided to wait out the first 12 weeks. That was fun in a way! My Hunny and I would talk about it and we were able to become very comfortable with the idea before sharing the news with others! We told the kids first (yesterday!) and we let them call family to make the announcement! They are all thrilled!

The day I hit 6 weeks I began to feel lots of nausea, but I never vomited! I think I learned my triggers very quickly so I was able to avoid them most of the time! Now I am totally nausea-free and feeling really great!! I had my first appointment with my midwife yesterday and she is the "food & exercise nazi!" SO, I will be walking 3-4 days per week and DON'T ask me if I want to go out for dessert and coffee because I have no will power and she will kick my butt if I eat junk!!!

We will be having another home birth. We are so excited to bring a baby into the world in this amazing way!! What a blessing to have this opportunity! So many people I know want to do it, but don't have their husband's support OR don't have the option! It is totally the way God intended birth! The natural un-invasive setting in which Eve herself gave birth! Thank goodness I am so blessed!

Well, I knew lots of people would have questions, so I thought I would post here! That is it in a nutshell! Thanks for your blessings and support!!

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Becky said...

If I ever have a secret to keep then I'm telling YOU. LOL
~Ever so happy for you both!!! : )

Susan said...

Congratulations. We just had our 7th baby a couple of days ago and we went through the exact same thing last Nov. I miscarried and then we found out we were pregnant the beginning of Jan. What an awesome day that was when I gave birth to a healthy baby boy in my own home. This is the way God intended birth to be. He gave us a special gift and we will all remember that day my house went from all girls to girls and a boy.

God is so Good.

Have a great pregnancy and enjoy it.

Becky said...

I gave you a bloggy award. Come by and see it when you have time. : )

See ya tomorrow!

Tonya said...

I am so happy for you! I wouldn't have been able to keep it a secret. Man, your good!

Heather Tomasello said...

Yay! Congrats, Jamie. I just noticed the tag on your email about baby #4. That's awesome news. We had a home birth with our third, Zachary, and the experience was such a blessing. (We had midwives with the other 2 but in the hospital.) I'll be praying for you, for energy and health and that little one God is knitting together...


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