Saturday, April 17, 2010

Our Souvenir from VA

Well, we have a sweet souvenir from our time in VA. We didn't plan this, but I know we will be blessed to bring another life into our family. We found out we were pregnant on our anniversary, Jan 3rd. It was unexpected and took some time to used to the idea, but we are thrilled. The other children and VERY thrilled. We were especially excited to find out that baby #5 is a BOY!! We have had so many suggestions on CA- names since all the other children have followed that pattern but we think we may break the mold . . . yes, it's true!! BUT he will still have a C- name.

We like the name CREED JOSEPH HOGAN. I know that most people won't like it at first and you won't find it in a baby naming book, but we feel like the Lord has brought us to such an amazing place in our lives. We have been through so much in the past 18+ months. It was always about trusting, obeying, serving, and doing what was right. But the anxiety of the thought of bringing another life into the world was a little overwhelming (especially when I just did it a few months ago!!). Now it was time to walk the walk. Did we really BELIEVE what we say we BELIEVE???? We took 14 weeks until we decided to tell anyone . . . but we realized that YES . . . beyond a shadow of a doubt . . . we BELIEVE!!! A synonym for Creed is Faith or Belief. These words have come to mean so much to us. Without our FAITH, we are nothing!! Our faith in the Great Creator is what has sustained us in the difficult times.

The name Joseph is also taken from the Bible. What a character he was. He went through so much. He was a cocky kid when the story of his life starts out, but he stands for what is right and he is mistreated and even feels forgotten . . . but God has not forgotten!! In the end he is placed in a place he NEVER thought possible. He was given more than he could EVER imagine. His life mattered from the beginning all the way to the very end!! He was a character of great integrity and faith.

So we are pleased with the name we have come to fall in love with. He will be loved and he will always have someone to play with!! Blessings!!!

1 comment:

Becky said...

What a great name! Love the meaning too! What a sweet souvenir you will have very soon! Love ya!


The Hogan Clan
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