Friday, April 23, 2010

Cloth Diapering

Who knew it could be so easy!! It really is a non-issue!! I have considered it in the past with other babies, but all I could think about was the "hassle"!! After trying it . . . to my chagrin, it is SOO easy!! I am very happy I gave it a try!!

I have a good supply of diapers now and I only have to wash every 2-3 days. With all the laundry I do anyway, I hardly notice the extra load!!

I also use cloth wipes. I never thought it would be so easy to keep those on hand!!!

HERE IS MY SYSTEM: (I'm a beginner for sure!!)
I have a wetbag that hangs from the changing table and I sprinkle some baking soda in it to help with the odors. NOTE: The changing table is in my bedroom and there are NO odors that come from the bag at all!! So I use Flip diapers for the most part.

I keep the inserts and covers folded on the table as well as the wipes warmer with cloth wipes. When I change a pee-pee diaper, I put the insert in the bag and use a new insert. When I change a poopy diaper, I plop the poo and swish in the toilet a few times and then I sprinkle the insert with baking soda and drop it in the bag along with any wipes I use. I have a diaper sprayer that attaches to the toilet, a MUST HAVE, according to a friend!! BUT the Hubby is having a difficult time getting it attached properly and so we have not yet used it!! I have heard that it makes poo-poo clean up much less hassle, but at this point, I wouldn't know!! When I do swish poo in the toilet, I wear dish gloves. Call me a wuss . . . but I just can't bring myself to do it without them!! I always wash my hands good with the gloves ON and then put them in a safe spot wear they aren't going to get used for anything else!!!

TO WASH: I take the bag and dump all content into the washing machine including bag and put it on the "soak" setting in cold water along with a little more baking soda. After it has soaked for some time (a few hours to over night) I wash the load with a chemical free detergent and a little oxy clean. I wash using HOT water and use the 2nd rinse cycle to be certain that all detergent it out of the diapers. I hang the bag and diaper covers to dry and add the inserts to the next load to dry or if large enough, they all go in the dryer alone and dry completely. Some days I can put them on the portable clothes drying rack outside in the sun and save some money on using the dryer!!


I am sure I will change my system over the next year or more while cloth diapering Caydence and the NEW baby. I am looking forward to the challenge!!

1 comment:

Robin said...

I did cloth diapers with my first two, the old timey square white ones. We just used a diaper pail with water and borax to hold the dirties. When Jen was little I had to HAND wash them and hang them out back, with Jon I had a washing machine but still had to hang them out, even in the freezing winter.

Back in those days, disposables were strongly "baby" scented and my kids got horrible rashes from them, it looked like their skin was scalded as soon as they would wet. Nowadays most are hypoallergenic.

When we were thinking of having Haley, I told my husband I would only do it if I would never have to use a cloth diaper again. I was just getting too old for that stuff. It's cool that they have inserts, plastic pants attached, etc, nowadays. Good luck! :)


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