Thursday, March 12, 2009

We Will Wait

SIGH - - - I am taking a deep breath! So much has happened since my last post! I am sorry for keeping quiet, but life here has been busy and crazy and exciting all at the same time!!

I have been "nesting" and getting ready for our new little addition. She is scheduled to arrive on March 30, but we know she can't wait that long!! Mom is already dilating and feeling like something is happening . . . ya know when you just KNOW??

So in the meantime, I have been getting ready! Ya know, trying to keep the house clean, laundry done, getting things together for the birth, making my last minute phone calls, appt for this and one for that . . . it seems like things are never DONE!!

This has really been my best pregnancy OVERALL, but these last few weeks seem to be the most memorable and miserable all at the same time! I am in constant back pain! This little sweetie is comfy and cozy right on the pelvis area. It causes sharp pain all night long and I dare not try to roll over at night!! I have to get up and then lay on the other side!! I walk like an old person whose bones are deteriorating!! I guess I know why some people that deal with pain all time are on the grouchy side! It gets to you after a while. My family still loves me in spite of the grouchy moments! Thank goodness!

I am reminded of the Scripture in Ecclesiates 3 that says:

There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born . . .

This gives me hope that IT WILL HAPPEN!! My midwife assures me of the same even thought it feels like we have been waiting forever!! I am only 38 weeks along and it just seems like this baby would want to come on out and see the world, but she is comfy and cozy right where she is at!! I will wait . . .

So many have asked about the job situation. It is still the same! It too is a waiting game! God has shown his provision many times over and over and we feel blessed every day! But as of now there is no job and no possible leads! So we will wait!

Thanks to our friends and loved ones for your prayers, support and kind words! You don't know how much it means! God is using this time of waiting to show us many things! I know that in the end He will be glorified. So with patience, we will wait!

1 comment:

Becky said...

We are keeping your big day in prayer and hope its soon!!! : )
Love your new background.


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