I have been thinking about that day 2 years ago when my sweet toddler was born. He came into the world as most babies do, but it was a little . . . unconventional!!
I was so excited when we made the decision to have him at home! It fit into our new "homeopathic" approach to most of our other health issues. I was thrilled to have a Hunny that was supportive of such a decision. So, we found a midwife, took the classes, educated ourselves, and we were off!! There was no turning back!! I knew all along that I was not afraid of "what if's" if he was born at home, I was just afraid of the PAIN!!! My previous two births were in a traditional hospital setting with epidurals!!! I never felt any pain!!!
The day came! The midwife came to my house for my check-up and I was 6 days away from my due date!! I was just sure that I was going to be pregnant for 42+ weeks and here I was committed to having this baby at home . . . ok a "what if" did creep in!! At that appointment, Karin, the midwife assured me that all would be fine. She gave me a run down of the biology of the whole thing! I think that put me into relax mode!!!! I felt very assured!!
She checked my cervix and I was dialated 4cm and I hadn't had any contractions yet!! (I know some women are in hard labor for days and only dialate 2cm . . . thank God I didn't have this experience.) She thinned the membrane in the cervix, but she told me she didn't know if she did a very good job. I didn't expect much. A few hours later, I was having contractions. YEAH!!
Shannon came home from work and the midwife came back over. I labored at home!!!! It was AWESOME!! My sis came over to help out with the other kids. I could eat and drink whatever I wanted. I wasn't hooked to a machine! I walked the neighborhood while in labor!!! At 10:00PM she checked me and I was ready to push!! I got into the birthing tub and had a few VERY VERY PAINFUL contractions and then . . . the baby was here!!!
I have to admit that I didn't handle the pain as well as I told myself I would!! I didn't "focus" or think about God's awesome creation that He chose me to carry . . . none of that . . . I SCREAMED MY HEAD OFF!!!! IT HURT!!! I kept waiting for someone to tell me to push and then stop pushing, like they do in the hospital . . . but the only person that knew when a contraction was coming was ME . . . so I just kept pushing because it just kept hurting!!!!
When Carter arrived . . . I wasn't overwhelmed with emotion and crying because of the beauty of the moment. All I could think about was how much that hurt . . . I was glad it was over!!!!! The first thing I said was, "That hurt so bad!!"
On the good side, I got to sleep in my own bed that night. My big kids got to see carter come into the world . . . in their jammies!! Then my sister made eggs for everyone . . . at midnight or so. No one poked and prodded either of us. No one came in to bother me all night!! It was one of the most exciting experiences of my life!! I am proud of the fact that despite my fear of the pain, I persevered. God was with me through it all, and I hope I have the opportunity to do it again someday!!
Happy Birthday Carter!
What a beautiful and realistic birth story, Jamie! My last two births were with a midwife, and they were both the best birth experiences!
And don't feel bad about the "screaming your head off" part. . .I definitely did my share of screaming with my first natural birth! So much so, in fact, that after the baby was born, My Honey said, "I don't think we're doing that again!" (LOL)
Happy Birthday, Carter!
Carter is oh, so cute!!!
Happy Birthday to him!!! I can't believe he is 2.
I loved reading your story! I hadn't heard it before.
I LOL about how it hurt because I SO much agree! : )
Does it ever!
Andrew weighed 10 and a half pounds and I thought I might die after pushing him out! I KNOW God gave me supernatural strength that day!
There isn't anything that's made me feel such an amazing sense of accomplishment as natural childbirth has. Its something else isn't it?!?! : )
What a perfect story! You are my hero! I don't think I could have done it with out the epideral. I am such a baby. Lovin' your blog.
You sure did scream. Next time we do this "natural childbirth" thing I am wearing a helmet and earplugs. Okay...on a softer note. It was an amazing experience. It was fast too. I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. You never doubted your abilities or God's. You are my HERO! I love you!!!!!
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