Thursday, April 17, 2008

Quirky Kids

I have three awesome kids and I have been thinking about the weird things that they have eaten as babies!! Is it me??

When Carley was a young toddler she would suck on baby wipes! My mom thought she was gonna get diarrhea! People would stop me in the store and say, "Ma'am, your baby is eating something!!" I hated to fight with her over it, so I didn't!! (She doesn't do it anymore, thank goodness!)

Camden never ate anything as a toddler, but he sucked his thumb. When I would get groceries I would find him rubbing the plastic bags while vigorously sucking!! He like the way the plastic bags felt!! (Now that is quirky!!)

Now Carter . . . . yes the cute little toddler that runs wild in our home . . . he loves to shave when Daddy shaves!! The only problem is that he eats the shaving cream!!! He sort of does it secretly because he knows I don't like him to eat it!! He is a pretty smart munchkin!

Maybe it's ME!! No . . . I know where it came from!!! My sister . . . she is the quirkiest person I know!! It must be genetic!!

1 comment:

Shannon Cambron said...

That's hilarious! When I first read this I thought, "Hey, don't compare your weird kids to me. I didn't eat anything strange when I was a kid". But then I remembered my Elmers Glue phase in the 1st grade. And them of course there were pencil erasers. I didn't actually swallow them. I just liked they way the felt when I chewed on them. I could keep going on and on but I really shouldn't. So you may be on to something. Maybe it IS genetic!



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